With all things in life, there will be things that you can pay extra for with credit cards. While most people in most circumstances will be looking for a credit card that gives them the absolute cheapest deals and best rates, there will be some people out there who will be looking for that little bit extra with their credit card and will be willing to pay a premium for these extra benefits.
The amount you will have to pay for a premium credit card will vary enormously when you compare the offers from one credit card company to another. By and large, you should expect that the more you are paying for a premium credit card, the better the card will be and the more premium facilities and extra features the card will offer you. There are some credit card companies that will offer relatively cheap premium credit card options. This might be a platinum card or a similar offer that costs just a few pounds per month. There are even companies out there that will charge you nothing for a so-called premium credit card. Other may charge you a significant monthly or annual fee so the differences can be very large.
The fact that you pay nothing for the credit card does not...