If credit cards have become a way of life for you, it might be time to organize your credit cards. If you have a lot of credit card debt, you might even want to look at consolidating your cards to a lower rate card that will save you in interest charges. Be careful, done incorrectly, canceling and consolidating credit card debt can harm your credit.
Before you consolidate, first you need to recognize why you want to consolidate. Are you looking for lower interest rates? Do you need lower monthly payments? Do you simply need to stretch out the term of your loan? If you answer yes to one of the last two questions, you should beware.
If you really just want to get out of debt, you need to understand how you got into the mess. Then you can fix the mess. Simply solving the problem with debt consolidation often makes the problem worse. Too many people consolidate and then charge the cards back up again.
If you know that you need to reduce the number of credit cards you have open, start with determining how much credit you need. How do you use your cards?
If you have several department store and gas cards that you never use, you should go ahead and close...