Reward credit cards can provide you with great deals, especially if you are someone that pays off your balance at the end of each billing cycle. Through earning special items or services with your reward credit card, it makes it worthwhile to make large purchases with the card. Similarly, your daily expenses can be easily placed on your reward credit card and help you maximize the rewards you earn with your credit card. Here are a few additional tips for getting the most bang for your buck.
Tip #1: Obtain a Companion Card
If you are married and your spouse has a reward credit card, have your spouse request an additional card for you. Similarly, if you have a reward credit card, get an additional card for your spouse. With two of you out there spending on your card, you will increase the amount of purchases placed on the card and give yourself more rewards.
Tip #2: Use Your Card to Pay Bills
Every month, you have certain bills to pay, such as gas, electricity, and phone service. You might also have regular services such as Internet and cable or satellite. All of these services require you to complete monthly payments. Since you have to pay...