Rewards credit cards are credit cards that literally reward shoppers by giving them rewards for each dollar that they spend. Rewards vary by credit card a great deal, but the most popular rewards credit cards offer customers a wide range of options, such as cash back, airline miles and electronics. But how does a reward credit card work? And where can you find one?
How it Works
When you use your rewards credit card, a certain percentage of each purchase you make is set aside either as your cash-back incentive or as a number of points that you can store and eventually put towards an item, such as those airline tickets or any other nick-knack that is offered by the rewards credit card program. While it may seem like your rewards credit card company could easily go bankrupt by paying you to shop, in reality, the rewards credit card companies have done loads of research into strategies that they can employ in order to get long-time customers. Because the rewards program is based on a system that rewards you over a long period of time, most clients will stay with a credit card if they feel that there is value in it for them down the road. In turn, the rewards credit...