Saving cash on your credit card is not something that is usually at the top of your agenda, as most of us trudge from day to day with our credit cards and do not give it a second thought when we make a purchase.
This may be a good thing as you could be comfortable with your spending levels and have no worries about meeting your monthly statement. Your credit card is not giving you any problems, as to make you think about your financial position.
Though, to go to the other extreme, if you do not give your credit card a second thought, but feel that because you can at least pay the minimum payment each month, thinking that you are paying your debt, then you should start thinking about where your credit card is taking you.
No matter which of the two positions that you find yourself in, the fact of the matter is that we should all be trying to save our hard earned for ourselves and not to be handing over more than we should.
With interest rates being as low as they have ever been and the credit card lenders who have either a 0% balance transfer facility, a 0% purchases facility or both on the one credit card, then the tools are in place for you save...