Having bad credit can make getting a credit card difficult, but the situation is not impossible. If you need or want a credit card but are worried that your poor credit history will stop you, then you perhaps you need some advice about how to get a credit card even with poor credit. If you follow these steps then you will have a much better chance of getting a credit card:
Retail store cards
If you have poor credit then the best place to start applying for credit cards is at small retail stores. These companies are more likely to give you a chance, although their rates are usually much higher and your credit limit will be low. If your application is approved, then buy something small each month and then pay off the bill. This will show other credit card companies that you are able to handle credit and pay your bills.
Go to your bank
After you have had a store card for some time, you can apply for a card at your bank. If you have been with your bank a long time and you have performed well with them, then they might be able to help you out.
Secured cards
If you are unable to get a bank or store card, then try and get a secured card. This...