Many businesses wonder when they are thinking about getting set up to accept credit cards whether they should accept debit cards as well. People love to use these cards that look like credit cards but take the money directly from a person’s checking or savings account instead of charging them for the purchase.
Debit cards are convenient for consumers because they don’t have to carry around cash or a checkbook but at the same time they’re not overspending by using a credit card for daily purchases.
Accepting debit cards is also a great choice for a business for many reasons:
*Another payment option is always a good idea.
*Using any kind of “plastic” causes people to spend more and buy more impulse items.
*The payment is based on the amount of money in the customer’s account, so the payment simply won’t go through if they don’t have enough money–no bad checks!
*It is very difficult for fraud to be committed with debit card payments, since the person using the card has to know the PIN number.
*It’s actually cheaper to accept debit cards than it is to accept credit cards...