Credit cards can cause people a lot of financial problems, but if used right they can also be a valuable financial tool. There are a number of ways you can use a credit card to your advantage and stay debt-free. If you are looking to get a credit card, then you should think about the advantages that cards could give you:
Buy now, pay later
Credit cards allow you to have free money for any period up to two months. If you pay the balance in full each month then you can buy things that you could not usually afford in one period. For example, if you want to buy an expensive electrical item or piece of furniture, you can put it on your card and spread the cost over this month and the next. If you time the purchases then you can have a longer grace period in which to settle the balance before interest occurs.
Having a credit card can give you a number of benefits. Many credit card companies offer loyalty schemes or air miles etc as part of the card service. This means that by spending money on your card you are also getting some added benefits. If you pay off your balance each month you are effectively getting these benefits for free.