When you are first starting out with a credit card, it is important to pay attention to credit card interest rates. If possible, you might consider applying for a 0 apr credit card. This means that for a period of time, you would pay 0% interest on your purchases and any balance transfers. If you are a small business owner, a trial period with a 0 apr credit card is a great way to cut down on expenses. A Capital One credit card for small business owners is a great card to start with.
Go to the Capital One website at http://www.capitalone.com to see the details of the small business card, Capital One Visa Business Platinum Card. You will find a list of the features particular to this card as well as a list of features standard to each Capital One credit card. While searching for the 0 apr credit card, you can also look up information for your other financial needs, such as money market accounts, personal or business loans, and additional information on credit card interest.
When you sign up for the Capital One Visa Business Platinum Card, you will qualify for these great features:
The Capital One credit card for small business comes with a six...