There are tons of competing credit card companies around. For the consumer in you and me, separating the wheat from them tares among these companies will be quite an enormous task. What should one look for anyway when considering what credit card company to avail of?
As with most smart consumers, the key to finding the best credit card company is to stick with the best. Among the hundreds of credit card companies that exist, only about 10 to 20 can be considered truly successful. Identifying these companies will narrow down your choices to the select few credit cards that are worth applying for.
Here are some of the characteristics of successful credit card companies.
1) No Annual Fee Some credit card companies are confident enough in their status that they do not need to collect annual fees. When you consider applying for a card, make sure you consider those that do not have annual fees first. Remember, if these companies that require annual fees are not content to make money off of the interest on your purchases, then they are not financially reliable to bank on. If the card you are looking at has annual fees, steer clear of them unless they offer...