When it comes to credit cards, not everyone is worry-free. Even those who own reward credit cards often find themselves in a difficult situation. Instead of enjoying incentives and savings from their reward credit cards, some people are having problem keeping up with their bills and not getting any reward at all. Why?
One major reason is that reward credit cards come with very high interest rates. Some people spend more on their reward credit card just for the purpose of collecting points without paying attention to their monthly balances. As a result, they have to put off their monthly payment and get charged with a high interest.
It is easy to lose control of your spending if you dont have a sense of obligation and self-discipline. One thing to remember about reward credit cards is that the rewards should come as a bonus, a perk, an incentive. It should not be the primary reason that drives you to spend more on your credit card than what you really can afford.
When using your reward credit card, you still need to be aware that youll need to pay back your purchases at the end of each month. Or else, you will be charged with an expensive interest rate which...