When looking into the different types of reward credit cards, it is important for you to understand that there are a wide variety of reward credit cards to choose from. The type of reward credit card that is right for you is largely dependent on your own personal lifestyle and needs.
Airline Miles Reward Credit Cards
Airline miles reward credit cards are usually offered in partnership with a credit card company and an airline company. There are, however, some airline miles reward credit cards that have partnerships with multiple airline companies. Regardless of how the partnerships work with the credit card, the basic idea is the same.
Airline miles reward credit cards allow you to earn points or miles for every dollar spent with your card. In addition, many of these cards provide you with bonus miles for spending money at certain stores or on specific types of purchases. Most commonly, bonus points or miles are earned when making purchases through the applicable airline.
After earning a certain number of points or miles, you can then trade them in for free or reduced air travel with the applicable airline. With some airline miles reward...