Are your credit card debts giving you nightmares? If yes read on and see if we can save you some money and help you sleep better at night. It is so easy to get yourself into debt, as all these credit card companies seem to be throwing these cards at us.
Learn to understand your statement if youre paying more than 15% of your monthly salary to your credit card bill then now is the time to take some action. If you pay the minimum payment and the interest charge takes up a lot of your monthly payment, not much is actually coming of the balance. For example say you pay 100 a month now take a look at your statement and see how much actually goes on interest.
Avoid minimum payments
The minimum payments are a nightmare they are costing you a fortune and will take years to pay of the debt. Credit card companies used to take 5% as a minimum payment of the total money owed, but now ask as little as 2% as people where finding it hard to pay back the 5%. This has in turn created a debt problem for many people.
Here are some ways to help you reduce your credit card debts! Try to stop using your credit card and if you cannot, monitor what you spend. Balance...