There are so many credit cards out there. They offer different rewards, different points, different interest rates, and different ways to use them. So which is the right one for you? For many people, having a credit card is a necessity, but having too many can be detrimental. Use this article as a resource to help guide you though this decision.
First, consider the interest rate on your credit cards. Shop around to see if there are cards that offer lower interest rates. You may save a lot of money by switching over. And if they are balance transfer cards, they may offer even lower rates of interest! Once you have a low interest rate card, get rid of your higher interest rate cards. Theyre just not worth it!
Second, you should think about getting a reward card. Unlike regular credit cards reward cards offer the same purchasing ability as regular credit cards but also allow you to enjoy rewards from points earned or immediate discounts on purchases at select retailers. The secret to finding the best reward card for you is to get a card that offers rewards from a vendor you normally shop at anyway. For example, if you buy a lot of petrol, get a card from a vendor...