As you are most likely already aware that credit card interest rates can be very high with rates of 30% annually, depending on your credit history and credit card issuers are getting more and more diligent watching for late payments and over limits and may raise your interest rates and lower your credit limit because of it.
The annual percentage rate (APR) is the interest rate you will pay if you carry over your balance from month to month, take out a cash advance, or transfer balances from another credit card. If your like most who sometimes may carry over a balance each month, you should be more interested in a credit card that carries a lower interest rate, but the lower interest rate means you need a good credit score. Credit card companies may charge a yearly fee in addition to the interest rate. Many card issuers, including most of the largest credit card issuers, have started lowering interest rates to below the 18 to 19 percent levels that were common through most of the 1980s and early 1990s.
If you have unpaid balances from previous months, there may not be a grace period for your new purchases. The grace period can help you avoid finance charges...