If you have a credit card (most Americans have over 10) then you’ve probably received an offer called a “payment holiday”. You’ll receive a letter that says something to the effect, “That because XYZ Credit Card Company understands how difficult it is for some families around this time of year to make ends meet (or whatever other excuse they can come up with) that you are being given the opportunity to take a month off from making your monthly payment as a ‘special gift’ and thank you for being such a valuable customer.”
Sounds Good on the Surface but Why Are They Doing It?
Typically, payment holiday offers have a high acceptance rate. A high percentage of individuals feel it’s a wonderful thing to be able to take a month off from the stress of having to make another payment. However, what they don’t usually realize is that these so-called “holidays” really aren’t a gift at all. They are simply are way to increase profits for the credit card companies.
It’s a Win-Win For the Credit Card Companies
Hmm… So how can letting me skip a payment earn them more money?...