There are many rebate credit cards available that offer rebate options that sound too good to be true. With so many credit card rebates to consider it can be mind-boggling trying to figure out which one to pick, if any. Understanding what each rebate credit card has to offer, APR, annual fee and overall terms and conditions will make things a lot clearer and will help you tremendously in your attempt at finding the right card for you.
Compare Rebate Offers Carefully
The rebate programs offered by various rebate credit card companies vary widely. Rebates, in the form of cash back, rewards you with anywhere from 0.25% up to 1%, a full 1% and a full 2%. The percentage you get back usually depends on the amount you purchase. For example, one card may give you 0.5% when you spend up to $2000, whereas you earn 2% when you spend $6000 or more. The thing to look out for when selecting a rebate credit card is terms for those offering only “up to 1%,” as compared to credit card rebates that offer “a full 1%”, for example.
Consider Your Spending Habits
Rebates are credited to you based on your spending. The more you buy, the more you...