Credit Card Reward Programs: Getting The Most Out Of Your Credit Cards
Credit cards can earn you cash, airline miles, or rewards. To get the most out of your credit card company, you have to choose the right program and use your card often.
Pick The Right Program
Do you want a free trip to Hawaii or cash at the end of the year? Credit card companies offer a variety of reward programs, so choose the one that you like the best.
If you are planning to earn airline miles, pick a destination and make sure your rewards program covers that area. Some credit card companies partner with a specific airline while others offer generic travel miles.
Cash rewards usually work out to 1% to 5% back on all your purchases. At the end of the year you could end up with a sizable check. Cash rewards dont apply to transfers or cash withdrawals.
Generic reward programs offer points for your purchases. Those points can then be redeemed either for products through the credit card company or gift cards for name brand stores like Starbucks, Home Depot, or Toys R Us.
Earn Your Rewards
To truly get the most out of your rewards program, you will need...