There are credit card tips, and then there are credit card secrets. These latter are little known tricks that credit card companies play on you, as well as tricks you can use to get rid of fees and pay off your debt sooner. Here are some of the best credit card tips, tricks and secrets.
1. You can get rid of annual fees. If you have good credit, just call and ask for fee to be removed. This worked on three out of four cards I called on, and I just dumped the other. Of course the threat to do the same with the others is what got the fees dropped.
2. Read the fine print, and pay on time. Be aware that under “universal default” rules, if you are late on one card, your interest rate can be increased on other cards as well. They love to get you with this one.
3. Watch for changing due dates. This is a trick used by some credit card companies to get you to pay late, so they can collect the late fees. They will also be able to raise your rate, and the rate on other cards you may have. Don’t assume that your payment due date will always be the same.
4. Use promotional checks with care. Transferring balances to 0 interest promotions can be a...