One of the huge advantages of credit cards, and one of the many reasons they continue to grow in popularity, is the easy access they offer when travelling abroad. Not only can they be used with ease to book hotels or pay for car rentals, but they can also be used at cash machines around the world for instant and safe access to local currencies. They are also far safer than carrying cash, which can be stolen no matter where in the world you are travelling, and more convenient than travellers cheques which can often be difficult or time consuming to cash.
However, with this added convenience comes extra costs. When you use your credit card to make purchases in foreign countries you will be charged currency conversion fees and sometimes also, a loading fee by your credit card provider. This means that there can be two sets of charges added to every purchase you make while abroad. It can be frustrating to get home and find that along with each transaction there is a conversion fee of a couple of pounds and another loading fee also of a few pounds. While it is possible to get cards that have lower fees for foreign currency transactions, it is difficult to avoid these charges...