If you have bad credit, you may be under the impression that you are not able to apply for a credit card. While it is true that you may be rejected from getting certain credit cards or loans, there are options available for those who have bad credit. Since a sizeable percentage of the population has bad credit, this has created a market which many banks and credit card companies have tapped into.
Your credit report is a reflection of your credit history, and it is very important when you need to apply for a car or mortgage. There may be situations where you will need a credit card to complete a certain transaction, and if you have bad credit you will run into problems. There are a number of options available for those with bad credit who want cards. Secured credit cards are one good option. A secured credit card allows you to deposit money into the account which you can then use.
Instead of borrowing money from the credit card company, you use your own money. You will not be allowed to go over the amount you place on the card. Despite this, you may have to pay the credit card company a fee in order to use their cards, and this is how their money is made. A secured...