Credit insurance protects the loan on the chance that you can’t make your payments. Credit insurance usually is optional, which means you don’t have to purchase it from the lender. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, says it’s against the law for a lender to deceptively include credit insurance (or other optional products) in your loan without your knowledge or permission.
There are four main varieties of credit insurance: Credit life insurance pays off all or some of your loan if you die. Credit disability insurance, also known as accident and health insurance, makes payments on the loan if you become ill or injured and can’t work. Involuntary unemployment insurance, also known as involuntary loss of income, makes your loan payments if you lose your job due to no fault of your own, such as a layoff. Credit property insurance protects personal property used to secure the loan if destroyed by events like theft, accident or natural disasters.
Shopping Tips
Before deciding to buy credit insurance from a lender, think about your needs, your options, and the rates you’re going...