When you are considering getting a credit card you should be fully aware of all the consequences that could come with the responsibility of having and using one. Some people prefer to make use of a debit card instead of a credit card to keep them out of financial peril. This is all a matter of personal opinion and needs, wants, and desires. When you use a credit card, if you are not careful you could end up in a deep financial hole that is extremely difficult to get out of. Using a credit card takes a mature responsibility of resisting temptation, setting and sticking to a budget, and having the ability to pay off the charges at the end of each month.
A debit card is a form of Credit Card that generally comes with the Visa or MasterCard logo upon and works just like a credit card would with a few exceptions. These debit cards; if they have the major credit card logo upon it, can be used to any retailer that accepts those specific cards and for any purchases such as items, hotel reservations, and car rentals. The exceptions and differences between a credit card and a debit card is that a credit card is linked directly to your savings or checking account. Unlike a credit...