Right now, there are a lot of people who are enjoying the freedom of getting and using low interest credit cards. Others are struggling, and slowly finding themselves starting to be overcome by the high interest rates on their cards. You know the story, at first, it wasn’t much, but now that you have added a lot of credit onto those cards, and frequently use the plastic, the amount you pay each month in interest has become a bill in itself – something that you do not need.
So, you ask, how can you get that low interest credit card? You know those ads for more credit cards are always coming in the mail (your email, too), and truthfully you’re more than a little tired of it. In fact, you have probably also noticed that the more money you owe – the more credit card applications you receive. Here are some steps you can take to get one of those low interest credit cards.
Look At The Percentages
While getting all of those applications in the mail, it is best that you take a few minutes to carefully read between the lines before applying. The promises may indicate a low introductory rate, often a gimmick used to get you to apply real quick...