How Do You Know If Your Credit Card Agent Is The Best?
Since you are the customer, there must be a glut of credit card agents constantly hounding you day-in, day-out. They may try to cram all their pitches in hour long phone call marathons or minute long infomercials and may run the gamut of personalities from friendly to annoying, smart to eccentric. But how do you choose the right credit agent?
Credit card agents are not just supposed to hawk credits cards. They are supposed to act as the middle persons between you and the bank. In effect, they should extend the services and care of the bank itself. You can tell if you credit card agent is good if he exhibits the following characteristics.
1. Agent Has Intimate Knowledge of the Card Company – Your credit card agent should know the ins and outs of the company he or she is promoting. Agents who are only looking for a quick commission wont help you much when you have inquiries about their cards. If your agent has an intimate knowledge of the company, you can rest easier since he or she is in a good position to guide you in your decisions.
2. Honesty After talking with your agent, investigate...