How to use your credit card to establish a good credit history
If you’re young and just starting out credit cards are certainly convenient and can help you establish a good credit history, which will be important when you need to make major purchases down the road. However, carrying a credit card comes with big responsibilities. Here are some tips on how to use your credit card wisely.
Choosing the right credit card
When selecting a credit card, you should consider your own needs. For example, if you’re going to be carrying a balance (not paying off the entire bill each month) then it is imperative to seek out the lowest interest rates that you can find. But you may be limited by a few circumstances, one of which is your paycheque. Some credit cards require a minimum income level or charge an annual fee.
High limit credit card could be a recipe for disaster. Signing on the dotted line is fun. No money comes out of your bank account and no cash comes out of your wallet. Shopping has never been so easy. Thats why when starting out the best credit cards are the ones that have low spending limits, unless you can afford to pay for any of the...