Are you worried about your credit card or debt card being stolen? Youre not alone, its estimated that 51% of people in the UK are concerned about their credit and debt cards being stolen. Credit card fraud is a consent worry, and with more people using there cards as there main source of paying for services and goods. It gives the criminals many more chances too get our information from our cards.
Credit card fraud is not new, the companies seem to be getting a head on how to stop the criminals, and then they come up with a new way its a never-ending problem. Credit card skimming is just one of the problems, that is where they take the information from the magnetic strip and transfer it on to another card. The companies are trying hard to fight back, they have hit back with the chip & pin card, which seems to be reducing fraud but give it time no doubt the criminals will find a way around that.
There are ways to help yourself with credit and debt card fraud, below are some useful tips in keeping the criminals at bay.
Never let your credit or debt card out of your sight
Never keep your Pin number with your card
Dont give your Pin number...