There are so many credit cards out there to choose from that deciding which one to get can feel really daunting. What makes one offer better than the hundreds of others youve seen? Here are top 7 FAQs to finding the right credit card:
1. Are You a Student?
If you are, then youll be better off with a student card. Your application is likely to get accepted without problems. It would be best to contact the bank where you have your student account before you do anything else.
2. Are You Transferring a balance from another credit card?
If you are, then you need to be looking for a card with a low APR on balance transfers. APR is the acronym for Annual Percentage Rate. APR is the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly interest rate. However, do be careful of credit card offers that promise 0% introductory rates for say 6 to 9 months. There may be a catch somewhere!
3. Do You intend to Make New and Large Purchases?
If so, then pay more attention to the APR for purchases, which is usually entirely different to the one for balance transfers. You should also look at what kind of grace period different cards offer, so you dont end up paying...