Many credit card holders aspire for a higher credit card limit. The obvious reason for this is that a higher credit card limit enables the purchase of otherwise unaffordable merchandise.
First and foremost, credit card holders need to remember that to get a higher credit card limit, they must abide by the terms and conditions of the credit card company or bank.
Below are 7 other ways to get a higher credit card limit.
The most important thing to do for getting a higher credit card limit is to prove your credit worthiness. This is the first thing that banks and companies look for when giving a higher credit limit.
Attract positive attention from the credit card company or bank by paying finance charges once in a while. Obviously, this is not advisable on a repeating basis and should only be used as a last resort to increase your chances of getting a higher credit limit.
Proving to credit card companies and banks that you are good “borrower” can be a convincing way to get a higher credit limit. But be careful because this strategy also means that you will be paying finance charges which can accumulate in a hurry.