Dont you just hate it when these big-name credit card companies keep turning down your application for a credit card simply because of some financial mistakes or missed payments that you made in the early years of your career, which adversely affected your credit rating? If only you could speak to the account officer handling new applications and politely inform him that you have long since settled those debts and, now that you are gainfully employed, can handle the responsibilities a credit card brings, right? Well, you dont have to go to such extremes and you dont have to hope for a miracle because yes, you still can have a credit card. It may not be one of the major ones, but it still is a credit card.
Several credit card companies offer people who have the misfortune of having a less than stellar credit rating a chance to own their own bit of plastic money. The rise of these non-mainstream credit card companies may have been caused by the demand created by those who did not pass the stringent requirements of the big – name players. The credit cards provided by these companies still function like a regular credit card: these have pre-determined credit limits;...