In this day and age, a large number of the population is in possession of a credit card, sometimes even numerous credit cards! Banks and businesses are becoming more and more aware of consumers desires for specialised credit cards, and have thus introduced a myriad of credit cards that are joint ventures between banks and businesses. There are credit cards aimed at men, and credit cards aimed at women.
If youre a sports fan, for instance, then you cant go past the NASCAR credit card. Or theres the NFL credit card, the World Series of Poker credit card, the MLB credit card, and the Bass Pro Shops credit card. People who love to travel would be interested in the British Airways credit card, or the World Perks credit card. If you like your cars, then the Subaru credit card, or the Volkswagen credit card is for you.
With the price of gas escalating out of control in the current world climate, gas reward credit cards are in big demand! Two such cards available at the moment are the Speedway SuperAmerica credit card, which lets you earn up to an 8% rebate on all gas and merchandise purchased at Speedway, SuperAmerica, and Rich Oil locations; and the HESS credit...