Credit card companies nowadays offer business credit cards with lucrative schemes. A study of these credit card companies reveals that using these cards is advantageous for you in many ways. To begin with, compare business credit cards and you will soon realize how you can use them to save money.
Business credit cards come with a comparatively low APR (Annual Percent Rate), starting at around 8%. A standard business credit card also comes with an introductory period of 0% APR. With most cards providing a quarterly and annual balance summary, they serve as good tools to balance business expenditures efficiently. Some cards reward the users with offers like free frequent flier miles, that directly help a business. You can reduce your business specific expenses by choosing the right card.
Compare Business Credit Cards
Companies offering business credit cards prominently advertise different schemes. These schemes:
* Earn Points- These points can be used at different vendor locations for buying supplies.
* No Spending Limit- Cardholders often enjoy this facility because here, they are not bound by any purchase limits.
* Low Interest Rates- This...