In these times of sky high gasoline prices and rising costs of transportation, consumers are increasingly interested in credit card services that give them discounts on gas. Instead of looking into a specific gas credit card from an oil and gas company, you might look at the offer for a Chase credit card that gives you gasoline rebates when you use your card.
There are several credit card services offered along with this card that consumers find attractive.
When you use your Chase PerfectCard MasterCard to buy gasoline for the first ninety days, you receive six percent of your purchase price back on your card. So you can go to any gas station anywhere and fill up your car or truck knowing that six percent of your bill will be come back to you. This gas credit card gives you the rebates in the form of credit on your account towards future purchases. So you will not receive a rebate check or cash back award at the end of the year as with some credit card services. Instead, you will automatically have access to this rebate amount when you use your Chase credit card in the future.
After your initial trial period of ninety days is complete, Chase gives you...