Credit card fraud is becoming more and more of a problem, and if you are not careful then you could lose money to fraudsters. If you are worried about fraud but are unsure how you can protect yourself and your credit cards, then this article could help you. Here are some useful tips and advice about how to protect yourself from credit card fraud:
Methods of fraud
The methods and types of fraud are increasing as criminals learn new techniques and get improved technology. The most common methods of fraud today include:
Copying and cloning of cards
ATM fraud
Internet card fraud
PIN number stealing
All of these methods are used more commonly than ever before to effectively steal your money. Obviously, it is impossible to totally eliminate the problem of credit card fraud, but there are things you can do to greatly reduce the risks.
Keep cards close
Make sure that you never let your cards out of your sight. Never leave cards unattended, and certainly dont lend your card to anyone. If you are paying in a restaurant or shop, make sure you pay attention as to where your card is. A common method used to copy your card is to get...