When comparing the best reward credit cards, it makes sense to investigate everything, including the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as well as any reward features that the card may offer. Potential cardholders should take into account the manner in which they handle their credit purchases. For instance, if the cardholder intends to make a large purchase using a credit card but plans to pay for the charge over the course of several months, then a low interest credit card will be a better financial choice over a reward credit card. If a cardholder plans on repaying the charge immediately (even if the card features a higher interest rate), reward credit cards might be a better choice simply because the interest rate will have no financial impact and will almost always provide a greater range of rewards than a lower interest card.
Balance Transfers
If it is your intent to take advantage of a reward credit card that features a 0% balance transfer offer, it might make sense to choose a card that offers 0% on purchases as well, if at all possible. The reason this may be an appropriate step is that when you take advantage of the 0% balance transfer card offer, many times...