Personal credit cards are the most carried credit cards found today. But the benefits of business credit cards are largely misunderstood by the general public. The advantages of a business credit card are numerous and can include access to car insurance, free travel, higher credit limits and much, much more. Another advantage of some business credit cards is that they will allow you to keep your personal and business expenditures separate while simultaneously enjoying the benefits of the corresponding reward programs.
Small businesses, in particular, have discovered that maintaining a company credit card can help in expensing daily purchase items very easily. With the advent of the Internet, applying for a business credit card, whether you are a small business owner or an employee of a large corporation, is very easy.
There are a number of advantages that are found in business credit cards today that often times personal credit cards will not offer.
Business credit cards offer additional benefits that include expense management reporting that small businesses in particular find very useful. When comparing business credit cards side by side, several of the...