For business owners and family members alike, a credit card offer that includes a way to earn points toward travel is a great deal. A travel reward credit card is one that gives you the ability to earn credit with various aspects of the travel experience simply by using you card when you make your every day purchases. The Bank of America credit card that offers this service with the most flexibility is the Choice Privileges Visa Platinum Card.
Credit card features:
Of the many attractive features offered on the standard Bank of America credit card, the twenty four hour customer service and online banking capability are the most used. You can contact a Bank of America specialist from anywhere in the world at any time of day or night. So when you are using your travel reward credit card on your vacation or business trip and have a question or concern, simply dial the toll free number provided with your information packet upon sign up.
In addition, you have the ability to do all your credit card account activities online. The Bank of America website,, offers enough resources for you to complete payments, check payment and spending...