Travel Rewards Credit Cards. This type of rewards credit card gives its holder the opportunity to travel free of charge. Mileage points that correspond to every certain dollar amount on the card holders account are given. When card holder reaches the minimum mileage points, he can be entitled to a free travel ticket from the credit cards affiliate airline. Usually, a credit card holder can choose to redeem his mileage points or wait a little longer and gather more points in order to travel free to more extravagant destinations. However, this type of rewards credit card mostly require a huge number of points before one can get a free travel. If youre not much a credit card user, this might not be the rewards credit card suitable for you.
Gas Rewards Credit Cards. This type of credit card reward gives its holders a rebate each time they use the card to re-fuel. It can save you a significant amount on your gasoline budget each month. However, you can only collect points if you purchase gas from an affiliate gas station. Thus, you need to make sure that the affiliate gas station is easily accessible from where you live or your gas rewards credit card will not be of much...