If you are overburdened with credit card bills, medical bills, wedding expenses, auto loans, personal loans and many other outstanding payments, it is right to go for debt consolidation.
Debt consolidation endeavors to consolidate your multiple debts into a single, easily manageable loan. But remember, it is not just bringing multiple debts under one creditor. You aim to save enough money that you pay as interest rate. Keeping this in mind low interest debt consolidation loans have been specifically designed to help you merge different debts into one; thus making you accountable to a single creditor.
The first step towards a low interest debt consolidation loan is to figure out the total amount of debt you want to consolidate. The lender will do rest of the task. Negotiations will be done on your behalf with different creditors.
The best way to get a low interest debt consolidation loan is to place a high value collateral. Collateral is the property that you secure against the loan. If you borrow against the equity in your home, you can extract a larger amount with relatively low rate of interest. The interest rate will be tax deductible. The repayments...