With higher education costs on the rise, many people these days have several student loans. These are not just medical students with several loans, but average students at public universities. It can help for those trying to pay them off to consolidate student loans into one bill and thus one payment. There are many advantages to having one loan besides the single payment each month though. Some that you may not be aware of are lower interest rates, a way to improve your credit rating, lowering monthly payments.
Applying for an individual student loan can lower the interest rate because places offer incentives to use them for the loan. Some companies offer a lower rate for having the monthly payment automatically deducted from your account. There is also a benefit by making so many consecutive payments, on time, and that showing will lower the interest rate. This of course will make your payoff amount decrease since more money will go to the principle instead of interest.
Having a single student loan can help your credit rating because of how your credit score is figured. Part of the score is made up of how many outstanding debts you have as well as the total...