It can be disheartening when you apply for a credit card and get turned down. However, in the vast majority of cases, it really is not anything that you need to worry about. While there are some people out there who would be approved for virtually everything they could think of applying for, for the vast majority of us, applying for a credit card can take a little time and some trial and error.
Credit card providers generally have pretty strict criteria that they are looking for from applicants when they launch a new credit card. They will be targeting the card at a specific segment of the market and will have a credit score range that they are seeking from applicants. If you do not fall within this score range, you will not be in their target range and will be refused the card. But this does not mean that you will not be successful when you apply for another credit card that is targeting your section of the market. And it is important not to take the rejection to heart.
Determining Your Credit Score
You may feel that you are trustworthy and always pay your bills and that you should not be turned down for credit, but remember that credit approval is no...