If you feel like you are swimming in a sea of credit card debt, you are not alone. This fact probably will not make you feelany better, but the fact that you have lots of company means that there are a variety of debt reduction strategies and debt consolidation services you can use to get back on solid financial ground.There is a thriving industry full of companies that do nothing but help consumers get a handle on their debt problems. These credit counseling firms run the gamut from non-profit community based organizations to national chains to huge mega companies with a branch in every major city. Finding the right company to entrust with your debt reduction can be difficult and challenging.
Before turning to an outside company for help, however, there are steps consumers can take on their own to reduce their debtload. Of course the easiest strategy is to put extra money toward retiring your debt. Every extra dollar you put toward your credit card balance is one more dollar on which you will not owe interest or penalties.
Of course, finding that extra money can be a challenge. Most people are lucky to have a few dollars left over between paydays,and many...