With the debt levels at all time high, credit counseling agencies are reaping on the boom. However, as a consumer, it is in your best interest to choose a credit counseling agency wisely. In generally accreditation is helpful and an accreditation with either the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies is recommended.
When you have narrowed the list of credit counseling agencies you want to work with, it is a good idea to call up your local Better Business Bureau and see if any complaints are filed with them. If a credit counseling agency has many complaints filed against them, you are better advised to move on with other companies.
It is also important to understand what is being offered by a credit counseling agency. A reputed credit counseling agency will offer you a range of services including a certified personal counselor, personal financial budget calculation worksheet, DMP (debt management plan) details, work with creditors to lower interest and a lot of free resources and credit counseling information.
If a credit counseling agency offers erasing your credit history, it...