Secured loans make your creditors feel more secure about loaning you money. When someone takes out a secured loan, that simply means there is collateral to back up the money they borrowed. This could be a car, or more commonly, a house. There are pros and cons to getting a secured loan as opposed to a standard loan for debt consolidation.
Home Equity Line of Credit – Perhaps one of the most common secured loans is the home equity line of credit. This loan amount is based on how much equity you have in your home. Once you take out this type of secured loan, your house becomes collateral. The most positive aspect of a secured home equity loan is that the money you borrow is tax deductible. For instance, if you have $5,000 in credit card debt, you can roll that over into a home equity line of credit. The credit card payments are not tax deductible, but the home equity loan is. In contrast, standard debt consolidation loans are not tax deductible.
Interest Rate Advantages – Another advantage of using a secured loan for debt consolidation is the interest rate. For many people, credit cards are the source of their debt problems. Credit cards have enormous...