As a student, do you find it hard to repay your student loans? While student loans are great in that you and I will probably not be able to afford a tertiary education without it. On the other hand, it can be difficult to pay the monthly payments on time due to the high interest rate and other external factors which can challenge your wallet.
If you have a difficult time in repaying your student loans, you might want to consider a direct student loan consolidation.
So what is a direct student loan consolidation?
In essence, it is simply exchanging or consolidating your existing outstanding student loans with higher interest rates for one loan with a more manageable, fixed interest rate. The interest rate is determined by the average of your loans, rounded to the nearest 0.125 per cent.
A direct student loan consolidation is especially useful if you know you are about to default on your monthly student loan payments. A direct student loan consolidation can mean a new start since it is considered a new loan.
When you consolidate your student loans under a new loan, your existing loans will show up on your credit card as paid off, thereby...