You have unbearable debts and the debt consolidation might be your option for you debt problem. There are so many debt consolidation agencies around in the marketing with their "The Best" debt management program which will help you to resolve your debt problem. All the plans seem to very good and it is a hard decision for you to select the best for you.
While considering all the plans offers by debt consolidation agencies, there are at least 3 worst debt consolidation moves which you should avoid them. These 3 worst debt consolidation moves include:
1. The Hard-Money Loan
If you already miss a few months' repayment and your repayment sums are piling up and exceed your monthly financial capability; and you are tired of answering harassing call and mails from various creditors to urge you to make payment. Then, you probably need a loan urgently to eliminate the harassment from creditors and bring down your monthly repayment to affordable level.
The consolidator may entice you with promises of an easy-does-it loan, and end up charging you higher interest rates than you're paying now — as high as 21% or 22%. "Your...