You are getting a few student loans to support your study. After the graduation, you need to start repaying these student loans. These student loans come with different interest rates and they have different repayment due date for each month. You may find it difficult to manage your multiple student loans and any late payment or miss payment may hurt your credit rating.
Student Loan Consolidation Program is a loan repayment program for college students and graduates with multiple student loans to make their repayment easier. However, before signing on the dotted line, it's important for students to understand some basic facts about consolidation.
What A Student Loan Consolidation Program Does?
The student loan consolidation program allows you to combine all your outstanding student loans. For example, if you have three separate government student loans, you can consolidate them into one single loan. Technically, all three of those loans will be considered paid in full and a new loan will be started in their place. The basic concept is you are getting a new loan to pay off all your outstanding student loans; which mean instead of having 3...