Aviation Insurance More Than Sky- High For The Fly Boys
Those magnificent men in their flying machines Ever since the Wright brothers pioneered our ascent into the skies we have strived to fly higher, faster, further with aeronautical advancements surpassing one another at an ever-increasing rate.
Taking to the skies is, of course, much more than the romantic notions upheld in quaint versions of Up, up and Away or Come fly me, lets fly, lets fly away It is, for most aircraft owners, a significant part of their livelihood and not to be contemplated without the proper insurance.
Aviation insurance is different from other forms of insurance in that it is very subjective. Due to the vast array of aircraft types, uses and pilot experience, policies should always be specifically tailored to suit the unique requirements of each individual applicant. For this reason it is recommended that a broker, specialising in aviation insurance be engaged to arrange cover.
When applying for aviation insurance, several matters will be taken into account including:
Sum insured: Aviation policies are divided into
i. Hull: The loss of or damage to the...