Like many people buying car insurance, you shop around and buy online. Youve found a really good, cost-efficient deal. So when it comes to the final checkout, do you choose to tick Yes or No in that Legal Expenses Cover box? It will add a little more to the total, and its not an absolute requirement, so you may be tempted to leave it out. Not least because its definitely not the most well-known part of insurance! It is, however, something we think you really should consider adding if its not in the policy as standard. And heres an example of why:
Earlier in the year Jake, one of our freelance writers, was involved in a car accident. His Golf Mark I is his pride and joy, and hes spent many happy weekends working on it. So naturally, he wanted total insurance coverage for every eventuality even legal expenses.
This certainly proved to be the right decision after the accident. The car was hit from the rear, so some of the vehicle damage could be fixed. The insurance company worked fast to deal with the claim. Unfortunately, Jake also suffered a broken wrist and some whiplash. If he hadnt taken legal expenses cover, the bill for a solicitor to pursue his compensation...