Everyone likes to save money! That fact is not a secret to anyone. When trying to save money on car insurance, a question that should be considered is, What will be the cost to me for saving money? This question is meant to help people realize that there is a difference between price and cost. While Company A may offer slightly lower or even much lower premiums than Company B, Company B may offer some services that you prefer, i.e. a local agent, 24 hour service, online service etc. These services may be worth the extra price to some people, and not for others. Thus, it is shown that services received may out-weigh the price paid.
Another factor to take into consideration is the quality of service you receive from an insurance company. While all auto insurance companies want you to believe that they are as good, or even better than the next company; that is simply not true. There are drastic differences in overall service, claim handling, and personality of individual companies. One company may offer exceptional claims service, but perhaps it is very difficult to actually get in touch with the companys claims department; while another company may have terrible claims...